Founding Story

Manavar was founded in 2018 by Huldah Abraham. Huldah was inspired to found Manavar after to her own experience growing up in India. When she was a child, Huldah’s parents struggled to send her to school alongside her older siblings. She would have dropped out of school, but God brought her help through an aid program. A kind family named Harrower sponsored her and paid for her education all the way through her Associate’s degree. Paulasir has a similar story of receiving support in order to complete his education all the way to college. Today, Huldah and her husband work and live comfortable lives due to the kind help of strangers overseas. Had they not received aid, they would have dropped out of school. Their lived experience laid the foundation for Manavar.


To liberate underprivileged and marginalized children from illiteracy, poverty, and ill health.


To extend the benevolence of God to the underprivileged poor children and empower them to thrive in life so that they may give back to the community in the future.


Today, nearly 40% of children just like Mrs. Huldah and Paulasir drop out of schools, their parents unable to support them due to illiteracy and poverty. Manavar’s founders see themselves reflected in those children, and in 2018 felt that it was time to give back to help impoverished children thrive. Manavar’s pilot program was after-care tutoring centers to help children stay in school and receive the support they needed to thrive in their education. Initially active in India but now expanding into Sri Lanka, their program has grown to 15 centers, all focused on helping children do well and stay in school.

Manavar India Sri Lanka Updated Map

Our primary impact is in Mettupalayam, near Tambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. Additionally, we have begun work in Sri Lanka, and hope to expand our impact in both countries.

Families Provided Care Each Week
Children Impacted

Support Our Cause

The cost to support a child per month is only between $4.00 – $5.00. Each center $120 per month. Millions of children need this extra help and with tutoring, they are able to stay in school and go far in life.
Manavar is registered under Kingdom Planters International and is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductable. EIN: 82-4048425